Monday, October 28, 2013

New Teen Advisory Board Website

Thanks to our amazing teen volunteer, Abenezer, we have a fantastic new Teen Advisory Board website.  

The Aurora Central Library’s Teen Advisory Board is open to teens in grades 6-12.  If you know what you want to see in the Library, have suggestions for books to order or programming you want to attend, put in an application today.

Can't make it to our meetings?  Feel free to use the forums on new site to make suggestions!  We want to hear from you, and get new ideas on how we can better serve your needs.

For more information on our library, check out our Facebook page or go to more information on our library, check out our Facebook page or go to

Spooky Halloween

The Aurora Public Library Central Branch is hosting a very special Spooky Storytime and Costume Parade on October 30 at 10:00 am.  Kiddos are welcome to bring their costumes and go trick-or-treating around the library.  

Frankly, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year.  Most of the staff will be following a "haunted western" theme.  If all goes well, you'll get to see me in boots and a neat hat.

The lineup for this week's storytime is below.  I tried to branch out of the typical Halloween lineup, and take a look at other spooky tales.  I particularly enjoyed Vampirina Ballerina, by Anne Marie Pace.  It has a neat little message attached to it.


A Very Witchy Spelling Bee written by George Shannon with illustrations by Mark Fearing from Harcourt Children's Books is perfect for Halloween!

Rhymes, Fingerplays, and Songs:

“Five Little Pumpkins” (Storytime Katie)

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said, “My, it’s getting late.”
The second one said, “There are witches in the air.”
The third one said, “I don’t care!”
The fourth one said, “Let’s run and run and run.”
The fifth one said, “It’s all Halloween fun!”
Then oooooh went the wind, and out went the lights!
And the five little pumpkins rolled clear out of sight.

“Pumpkin, Pumpkin” (
Storytime Katie)
Pumpkin, pumpkin, big and round, (Make big circle with hands)
Sitting on the cold, hard ground. (Touch the ground)
Soon I’ll pick you off the vine, (Pretend to pick a pumpkin)
Give you a name, and make you mine (Hug pumpkin tightly)
Carve a face for all to see, (Point to face)
Add a candle for Halloween glee! (Clap your hands)

Action Rhyme: “Monster, Monster” (Storytime Katie)
Monster, monster, turn around
Monster, monster, touch the ground
Monster, monster, reach up high
Monster, monster, touch the sky
Monster, monster, touch your nose
Monster, monster, grab your toes
Monster, monster, touch your knees
Monster, monster, sit down please

Song & Puppet: “Flutter, Flutter Little Bat” (
Storytime Katie)
Flutter, flutter little bat
How I wonder where you’re at
Up above the midnight sky
Peeking down with yellow eyes
Flutter, flutter little bat
How I wonder where you’re at

Action Rhyme: Black Cat
Black cat, black cat up in the tree. (look up)
Black cat, black cat staring at me. (circle hands around eyes)
Black cat, black cat come down from there. (shake finger)

Black cat, black cat you gave me a scare! (put hands on hips and shake head)

Early Literacy Tips:
  •  Talk about the names of favorite Halloween traditions such as “pumpkin, scarecrow, cider, candy, costume” - sound out the different parts of the word “pump” and “kin” – clap while saying them separately and then together again, first slowly and then faster. 
  • Help your child think of words that rhyme with Halloween like “green, clean, bean, thirteen, queen, screen, teen, tangerine, submarine, trampoline” – make up silly rhymes with these words. 
  • Help your child find things that start with the “H”- “huh” sound all around the house (hat, hand, help, hot, happy). 
  •  The sense of rhythm obtained from listening to songs and rhymes will help your child to identify patterns, like rhyming words, which will help them learn to read. Because songs automatically break down words into smaller sounds through tones, singing with your child is one of the best ways develop early literacy skills. Say silly rhymes and sing songs about Halloween. 
  • Help your child learn sequencing. This will help later on in recalling the parts of a story (beginning, middle, and end). When you are making a costume or carving a pumpkin, ask your child to help you remember the steps, or ask him to repeat the order in which you did things. “What did we take out of the pumpkin first? What did we do next?” 
  • When you are finished trick or treating, ask your child to tell you what other costumes he remembers seeing. 
  • Look at the candy wrappers and name the letters you see. Sort them by size, shape, color, flavor, etc.


Make Toasted Pumpkin Seeds:
1. Separate the seeds from the pulp and rinse them in a colander
2. In bowl combine 2 c. pumpkin seeds, 1 1/2 tbsp. cooking oil, melted butter or margarine, 1 1/4 tsp. salt, until seeds are coated. (Try other spices like paprika too!)
3. Spread on large shallow baking pan.
4. Bake at 250 degrees approximately 1 hour, stirring occasionally until crisp, dry and golden brown.

Costume Parade:
What Halloween Storytime would be complete without a costume parade?  Our very special storytime will be held on October 30, 2013 at 10:00 am.  Pictures to come soon!

For more information on our library, check out our Facebook page or go to

The Anime Club is a go!

I am really excited to get this program up and running.  There have been requests here and there to get an anime club together at the library, and I am happy to say that we will have our first meeting at the beginning of 2014.

I just have to say thank you to Right Stuf Inc.  While other anime enterntainment companies have discontinued their club affiliate programs, Right Stuf continues to offer wonderful outreach to local groups that try to bring anime to the public.

Our first two screening are thanks to Right Stuf Inc and Nozomi Entertainment.  Admission is free and popcorn will be provided!

Here is what we have so far:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014. 3:30 to 5:30 pm
Aria the Animation, Volume 1.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014. 3:30 to 5:30 pm
Sound of the Sky, Volume 1.